Our hospice team is comprised of healthcare professionals as well as trained volunteers. They render a personalized plan of care to patients in an effort to address their physical, emotional, as well as spiritual needs. Aside from patients, family members and their caregivers can also benefit from the care we provide.
Headed by a Medical Director, the members of our dedicated interdisciplinary team includes:
- Attending Physicians
- Registered Nurses
- Licensed Practical Nurses
- Social Workers
- Chaplains
- Certified Hospice Aids
- Volunteers
- Pharmacy Specialists
- Bereavement Counselors
- Supportive Therapy
The members of our interdisciplinary team have specific roles to play to ensure that patients and their loved ones are receiving the right hospice care they need and deserve.
These professionals and volunteers are thoroughly screened prior to employment. They are also continuously learning current hospice trends and applying best practices in the field.
To request for hospice, you may submit your request online or call us at 480-831-3095 to inquire further.